Hello, and welcome to my web portfolio. My name is John Ulvr, and I am an embedded software developer, currently looking for new opportunities. Given that my skillset includes web development, I have included a web page to accompany my resume.

This web page is a portfolio showing some of the things I have done in the past, including a few personal projects. One of the items is a pool thermostat, which I built from scratch. Based on a Raspberry Pi, it offers more features than most high end products on the market. The section on the shelf mounted train set is a port of a web page from my old site. It was built in my son's room, and was a popular web site, gaining mention in Model Railroader Magazine.

In the Gallery page, you will see some of my designs and inventions. Of note is the Cold Hold, which is a drink holder/chiller which I designed, published, and patented. I have created many other designs and items as well. I enjoy woodworking, 3d modeling, and I own a 3d printer.

Of course, the main focus of this page is the Resume, which outlines some of my qualifications and skill sets. My key skills lie in low level programming, including expertise in the Linux Kernel and network drivers. You will also notice a wide variety of skills outside of this as well. I am quick to learn new technologies, and enjoy challenges. I am looking for a position with a successful team that provides challenging and fun work. If this is you, please drop me a line.

My contact information can be found at the top right of this page.